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eQMS 201 eBook: The Next Level of Quality

Now that you’ve built a solid foundation, it’s time for the next phase. For quality professionals who are ready to move forward with an eQMS, the 201 eBook provides best practices, helpful tips, and more advanced content related to software validation, implementation & configuration, and audit preparedness. 

Before you dive in, test your eQMS knowledge with a Quality Pop Quiz

1. True or False: You must revalidate your eQMS platform after every major software update. 

2. An eQMS’s ability to adapt to an organization’s quality processes, workflows, and regulations without the need for extensive coding is called:

  1. Customization
  2. Configurability
  3. Implementation
  4. Modification

3. When asked a question by an auditor, best practice says you should:

  1. Answer with as much detail as possible
  2. Answer succinctly and honestly
  3. Not answer unless you’re 100% confident

Find the answers on pages 5, 13, and 20 in the 201 eBook!
